Spring Ahead

Ever have one of those weeks?

Over scheduled. Too busy to just sit and ‘be’? No time to just get out and ride? So you schedule a ride day for yourself. You feel just a twinge of guilt as you dodge some commitments.

You need this, though.

To stay sane. To be able to keep on keepin’ on. The anticipation of the day keeps you motivated to get through the week. Will the rain let up? Does it matter? Nothing will keep you from the trails. It has been too long. This ride really isn’t for anyone, but you. No responsibility. Just ride. Be free.

The Huckwagon is loaded and has several stops to make as it heads north. It is like a bus tour…pick up riders, buy icy beverages for the top of the climb, a quick swing by Skagit Cycle for a new pump…gas…and finally we are at the Galby lot. It is mostly empty, but the sun is coming out!

We head up to the towers. Amazed at the logging activity. It really has been too long! We climb, we break. We catch up on the latest with our friends. Did I say it had been too long?!

At the top comes the surprise

Homemade barbeque pork sandwiches and icy Sierra Nevada. We are all hungry and feast on this treat (thanks Gary!) And then, we fly!

It is spring! No one wants the day to end. The extra hour of daylight is a gift and we are kids again! Our ride becomes epic.

And, as daylight finally wanes, we roll into the parking lot. Muddy. Tired. Satisfied. We are the last two cars.We are renewed.

Look Mom, No Feet!

Alive and well and feeling like a kid again!

The snow is refreshing after a week of being sick and low energy.Ride? Hellz yeah! Even if just a short one before the inevitable rain or coughing attack! (weather update: it is still snowing 3 hours later).

Our local trails are closed for the season, but we find some gorgeous gravel roads through the woods. We are the only ones out on this snowy Saturday. Dump run? Breakfast out? We forego chores andEllie’s Restaurant’s deliciousness for perhaps too many cups of strong home brewed espresso and a skillet of cheesy potato egg hash, and a ride.


“Let’s go!” And, so we do.

Woodland creatures in street clothes and base layers. Riding from our back yard in tree farm paradise. Accused of thinking people should be able to be happy doing what they are doing, we are guilty as charged! Certainly there are worse things to be accused of.

It was succinctly described at a planning meeting last week by Recreation Northwest“We promote fun!” I love that! “Dirty little fun havers”?! (Failure to Launch) So be it! In fact, we don’t just think people should be happy, we at Huckwagons KNOW it!

Asked if we are living our passion? Certainly that is our plan. Hanging out with like-minded people, sharing beverages at local establishments, exchanging information about trails and rides, creating possibilities for new riders and outdoors men and women – that is where the excitement begins and resonates within us.

The fun doesn’t have to wait until the trailhead.

It starts at the communal meal or over a cold pitcher and continues throughout the rides – in the shuttle rig AND on the trail.

The snow continues to fall in Stanwood and we warm ourselves by the fire, planning future adventures. Join us! Your Huckwagon mountain bike transport-trailer will get you where you want to go!

Snow DAY!


Remember your excitement as a kid when you saw the first few snowflakes of winter sprinkling from the heavens like powdered sugar?

The anticipation of a snow day, hot cocoa with marshmallows, sledding and playing in the snow was almost too much. You would run and look outside the window, squinting into the streetlights, wondering if there would be enough to cancel school or at least get a late start.

And then, you wake up to a wonderland of brightness.

The earth blanketed in pristine white.

Silence except for the fluffs still dancing as they pirouette to earth.

Maybe I haven’t grown up yet. I still feel this childlike sense of wonderment and glee at the possibility of snow. I love the beauty of the untouched yard, watching the cats try to step around the edges unsuccessfully, and the illusion of endless time in the quiet of the morning.

Extra cups of coffee, snuggling by the fire, curled up with a book or two, and just being.

I love it! What more could I possibly ask for?

A BIKE ride! Oh, how I love to ride my bike in the snow. I feel giddy, light-hearted, and I laugh and laugh. Balance, pedaling, braking. Braking?! All bets are off as to what to expect on the trail.

It is pure joy!

Artistically painted tire tracks, the sound as our wheels crunch down the trail…really, what more could one ask for? And stories…

…so many stories.

One year it seemed like we rode in snow or ice each time we went to Galbraith, and there were a lot of times! Another winter our shuttle rig was full as we headed up to brave the cold and weather at the top of Double D. We got part way up and the gate was closed.

SNOW! “Why wouldn’t we?!”

was the consensus as we layered up and started hiking up the hill with our downhill rigs. The snow just got deeper, but the laughter and exhilaration of the moment was contagious. Slipping and sliding our way down the steep rooty sections was made even more interesting with the trail covered in cold white stuff.

Then, just like that, it was gone. And, while the lower trails were clear, the memories lingered and the experience lives on in our souls.

Snow! There are fat tired bikes, snow tires and chains for bikes, and then there are just our regular old daily rides. What’s tomorrow’s forecast? I look expectantly at the sky and sigh.

I just can’t wait to get back on my bike in the SNOW, but I guess I will have to, for now!


Makin’ Our Dreams Come True!

Go, Fight, Win!

Still Homecoming and the air is alive with excitement. Royalty, dress up days, class competitions, the parade, game, and of course, who to take to the dance! It is hard enough to focus in class, let alone on the nightly homework assigned.

Remember when life revolved around high school? The glory days? The anticipation and hype? And then the “let down” when it was finally over – until next year? In some ways it was almost a relief – especially for teachers and administrators – and of course the few dedicated individuals who worked so hard behind the scenes to make each day a memorable success.

So much thought, planning, time…to dress up or not to dress up? What if no one else does? What if I dress up for the wrong day? That would be almost as bad as going to class naked…

Today it is Favorite Team Jersey Day. I rack my brain…my son needs his tennis jersey for a match and the Sonics don’t play here anymore…so, deviating from the norm of Seahawks paraphernalia and high school football jerseys, I select from my Crankworx SWAG – Sodestrom, Martin.

An exceptional athlete.

We watched with mounting cheers and excitement as he rode what seemed like the perfect final run at Slopestyle. Would he place 1st or 2nd? He and Semenuk were both riding flawlessly. Each trick dialed to perfection.

And then, just like that, silence!

Tens of thousands were stunned speechless. His body lay crumpled, lifeless, at the bottom of his final trick.

Passion. Life’s blood. When someone is passionate about something – a job, a sport, an activity, a lover – it shows. It emanates from one’s being and is not only captivating, but contagious to those lucky enough to witness it.

When Sodestrom was down, our hearts went out to him, some were shaken to the very core, but when he was flying – and he will again, we could feel his joy and skill and passion. It was electrifying! Can you imagine being able to live your passion?!

How many times have you been told to be practical? Or to “be careful” so you don’t get hurt? How many times have you NOT done something so you can stay “safe”? People get hurt falling off a curb and people who religiously pay their bills still may lose their house to foreclosure. Is it worth the personal cost of not following your dreams just in case something bad MIGHT happen?

Henry Ford once said, “if you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.”

Certainly if you don’t try something, you can’t fail, but you can’t succeed either. Sure, if Martin (Soderstrom) had “heard the word impossible” and decided to play it safe, he could be home playing video games instead of healing from a broken leg.

But what is more satisfying?

If we were being “responsible” we would only talk about cool trailer and bike rack designs. But instead, we are going to “(do) it our way, yes our way…(and) make our dreams come true” (thanks Laverne and Shirley!) by pursuing our dream and creating Huckwagons.

Our love of biking, the relationships we have made over the years, the joy we find on the trail, are all reasons we started this venture with Huckwagons. Whether it be creating a new mountain bike rack or trailer design, customizing an order, or simply loading up bikes for a road trip and unloading them at the trail, we are following our passion and hope to share even just a little bit with you.

Start living your passion and check out Huckwagons today! We can help you get you and your bike there – scratch free and ready to RIDE!

“(cuz) we are doin’ our way, yes our way,
Make(in) all our dreams come true
For me and you.”

To Huck With Those Stilettos!


Yup, it’s Homecoming week and the stereotype of the male CEO and sexy secretary are alive and well at our local high school. Micro-minis and spike heels click down the school hallway while boys gawk.

I ponder this and shake my head in disbelief as I watch a microcosm of society playing out before me.

Haven’t we progressed forward? at all?

Is this why women are still hitting their heads on the glass ceiling? Or is this still the “look” even in today’s work place? Albeit not all the students are dressed this way, but there are definitely enough to scare me into a reality check.

The assumption that CEOs are men and wear a suit and tie is old school.

As CEO of Huckwagons AND as a woman, I decided to dispel the myth that one must be stuffed shirt male.Hot pink Huckwagons T, power skirt, and boots are my attire on this dress up day. And, speaking of “attire”, the tire belt completing the ensemble was quite a hit!

Will it make a difference with these kids? Probably not, but it helps me quell my own anxiety. Being put back in the box, trapped under a ceiling – only able to look at the sky and not reach for it – is no way to live life. Being outside, on the trails, inhaling the fresh cedar canopy swaying in the wind IS the way – for me – to be me.

So, to huck with those stilettos! (510s are way more comfortable anyway.)

Loosen that tie! (You might choke while bombing down your favorite trail.)

Get muddy, take risks, and wear neon if you must, but get out of the confines of your safe and secure world.

It is all about the journey, isn’t it? So keep exploring. Keep looking for those new lines and finessing the old ones. Load those bikes on your Huckwagon and head for the hills.

We DARE you!

Just get outside and RIDE!


These People Are GOOD People


“These people are GOOD people!” I commented to a friend just arriving at our latest shindig.

“THEY are why we ride!”

It isn’t just about the trail, or the tail gating, or the adventures that await when we head towards the trail or drop in, it is the relationships that go beyond. The family, the camaraderie, the care we give each other. The laughs, the tears, the hugs, the trail maintenance, the tech support, the spare tubes, the chain lube, the shot blocks, the shots, the advice, the ear, the silence…all these things are why we do it!

These people go beyond acquaintance status. They are family. We hold each other up when family members are struggling with health issues, we hold each other when we experience loss – or just share a cold beer at our home away from home in quiet understanding when things are tough.

These people are the ones who will dance party in the living room, share stories around the campfire and look at the stars, or meet even just a short loop after work before the days get too short.

These people are GOOD people. NO, they are GREAT!

As Sista Sledge sang, “We are family!” They are why we keep on keepin’ on.



Letting Go


When I first started riding a bike I felt like the world opened up before me. Endless possibilities were now becoming realities. All areas of my life were affected.

Physically I was becoming more “fit” than ever, my relationships were healthy, fun loving, supporting and adventurous, Gary and I opened up our shuttle van and home to countless biking friends – more like family – and I learned how to “let go”.

Letting go on the trail enough to trust the bike to get me through a technical section, letting go of the stresses of the day while pedaling to the top of the ridge, ready to fly down it tension free, letting go of responsibilities like ‘doing the laundry’ to get outside and play, letting go enough to laugh with wild abandon at the crazy adventures we were sharing with like- minded people.

Biking became my therapy.

It is an integral part of the formula which makes up a happy and healthy life. The importance of sharing this with others has become a predominant theme. Maybe a little much at times, I want people to find the love that I have found ever since Gary invited me to ride bikes with him 7 years ago. Seven is a magic number. This summer marks my 7th anniversary of getting back on the bike.

When I first started riding a bike, I felt the world open up before me.

Endless possibilities await! Now, we dress out of the laundry basket more often than out of the dresser as we are running out the door with bikes and gear ready to drop in on the next adventure that awaits us.

August may be drawing to a close, but Fall rides await!


Cheers to the Memories

As I was working on the photo selection for this website, I scrolled through countless of what we call, “archive photos.” Some of those pictures never make the traditional post ride Facebook posting – you know the saying, “what happens at Whistler, stays at Whistler,” but many do make the cut, and all bring back fond memories and humorous quotes. The difficulty is selecting which picture(s) to use. I didn’t even scratch the surface on this preliminary go around, but I did have a lot of chuckles, and even a few tears, as I kept smiling and saying aloud, “Oh, I remember this! This is when…” and “Aaah, that was the trip that….”

This process has reaffirmed my belief in our mission to spread the joy of the great outdoors by sharing our love of mountain biking with you. It is not just about the ride – although that is a huge part of it – but it is about the experiences you share. A photo can trigger a memory of the people you were with – but even more is held in that snapshot of the day. It’s all inclusive of the random riders you meet at the trailhead while gearing up or dropping in (some of who will become good friends and others the faces you will see again and again on various rides), the parking lot before and after the ride sharing a beer or comparing blood, the encouragement you hear from other bikers, the sayings that develop as a result of the ride like, “It’s not a ride ‘til there’s blood.” And the countless quotes that will live on in infamy, “That was the best hike I ever took my bike on,” “Look, another ROCK!”, and “Sure, we can squeeze in one more!”

The hero dirt we worship, the support we give one another along with the sh** we dish out, the good natured camaraderie, the night rides while Whidbey practices “touch and go’s,” the like-minded people who appreciate and anticipate a good ride, a new drop, conquering a technical section…. The moments when you all crowd back in the van comparing stories, the smell of your own sweat now out-smelling that of the dogs, PRBs, the common flask, heading to Casa Que Pasa or Porterhouse, just one more trip up to A-dog – (What? What margaritas?).

We are truly blessed, and while our group is ever evolving, the core is still there riding strong as family. Inviting in new riders and welcoming returning compadres. No one likes to miss a ride, and sometimes life just gets in the way, but hearing the stories of others inspires and intrigues, and gets us excited for the next ride, the new trail, the epic adventure. It gives us reason to carry on.

Here in the Northwest we are spoiled. We have good people, a variety of trails for all riders, glorious vistas and more memories than I can count. Cheers to many more to come! We can’t wait to share this adventure with you.

Huckwagons, made with love and a huck of a lot of steel! Get one today and get outside and ride!