Letting Go


When I first started riding a bike I felt like the world opened up before me. Endless possibilities were now becoming realities. All areas of my life were affected.

Physically I was becoming more “fit” than ever, my relationships were healthy, fun loving, supporting and adventurous, Gary and I opened up our shuttle van and home to countless biking friends – more like family – and I learned how to “let go”.

Letting go on the trail enough to trust the bike to get me through a technical section, letting go of the stresses of the day while pedaling to the top of the ridge, ready to fly down it tension free, letting go of responsibilities like ‘doing the laundry’ to get outside and play, letting go enough to laugh with wild abandon at the crazy adventures we were sharing with like- minded people.

Biking became my therapy.

It is an integral part of the formula which makes up a happy and healthy life. The importance of sharing this with others has become a predominant theme. Maybe a little much at times, I want people to find the love that I have found ever since Gary invited me to ride bikes with him 7 years ago. Seven is a magic number. This summer marks my 7th anniversary of getting back on the bike.

When I first started riding a bike, I felt the world open up before me.

Endless possibilities await! Now, we dress out of the laundry basket more often than out of the dresser as we are running out the door with bikes and gear ready to drop in on the next adventure that awaits us.

August may be drawing to a close, but Fall rides await!