Snow globe
Sometimes it’s just the simple things…
A cup of cocoa with marshmallows, a walk in the woods, a good book, a bike ride…
The simple things. No agenda. Waking up to a snow covered wonderland. All plans change.
Time seems to stand still and we sip our coffee. Ponder the upcoming day. The errands can wait. Chores? Sure, they can always be done.
A sunny, snow covered Saturday? How can we not enjoy the day. Seize the moment?!
We head outside, layered. It’s only 19 degrees. Brrrr! But oh, so lovely.
The trails are closed for the season, so we pedal up the fire roads. Our breathing hindered by the cold. Just a little further to the top and we can coast downhill.
The sound of a chainsaw and voices come from Bill’s Trail. Two hearty souls are out for a trail day. The old rotten ramp has already been removed and the new split cedar is being set into place. “I’m thinking of a table top with a kicker, here, and a new ramp to set riders up for the next jump”. The engineers are plotting the improved feature.
The new ramp
We head home to change into trail building clothes. And, gate key in hand, we are soon back at the site.
Hunting for rocks, the smell of cedar, fresh snow on the trees, PBRs in the snow, and the smell of hot links on the portable grill hi-lite the day.
Hiking the trail one last time before heading back to the cars, our planning continues and we inspect the trail. Talk of another work day and the potential for more improved features is exciting and makes us forget our weary muscles.
It really is the simple things. An expected snow day, the view of 3 Fingers after a job well done, an almost complete table top, and being able to give back with our time all things seem possible.
3 Fingers